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AUEB Trainers’ Register Privacy Policy

The Education and Lifelong Learning Center of the Athens University of Economics and Business (hereinafter "the Center") maintains a Register of trainers/instructors (hereinafter "Register"). The Register is maintained under the responsibility of the Director of the Center, according to Article 120 of Law 4957/2022 (Gov. Gazette Issue A 141/21.07.2022) and Article 15 of the Center’s Regulation (Decision 10383 of AUEB’s Senate, Gov. Gazette Issue B' 4056/23.06.2023).

The Register includes those trainers who are included in the study guide submitted with the applications-proposals of the programs of the scientific supervisors, which are approved by the Center’s Council and the Rector's Council, provided that any specific conditions laid down in the law are met (qualifications, certifications etc.). Compliance with the conditions for their inclusion in the Register of trainers is evaluated by the Center’s Council.

The registration in the Register takes place following an invitation by the Center to the trainers of the approved programs and their application submission, by filling out their personal data using a standardized electronic registration form maintained on diaviou.aueb.gr website. In addition, trainers registered in the Register submit, whenever necessary, revisions and additions to the above data if they are registered.

The Center processes the trainers’ personal data to evaluate the proposals of the programs in which they participate, to include them in the Register if they are approved, and subsequently to reach an agreement with them, to keep the Register updated and to inform the public about their participation in its offered programs.


  1. Data Controller

The Athens University of Economics & Business (hereinafter "AUEB") is the Controller in charge for the collection and general processing of the trainers’ personal data, to which the Center belongs.

  1. Categories of Trainers' Personal Data

Personal Data of the Trainers' Register (hereinafter "personal data") are those submitted by the trainers & prospective trainers to the Center,

  • either as part of a program application, or by being registered in the Register through the standard electronic registration form or later when they are registered,
  • by email, by submitting the online form, or otherwise,
  • either voluntarily or following the Center’s invitation.


Following is a list of what can be considered Personal data:

  • (D) Personal details (first name, last name)
  • (D) AUEB work details (school, department, position) if there is a working relationship with AUEB
  • (D) Brief resume/CV
  • Scientific domain
  • Study details (title, department, institution-country, and year obtained for higher degree and level of English language competency)
  • Home address (street-number or P.O. box, district, municipality, postal code, country of residence)
  • Contact information (mobile phone number, work phone number (AUEB), work phone number (other organization), email addresses)
  • Other personal information (surname, date of birth, social security number, LAEK (Special Fund for the Employment and Vocational Training) code, Tax Registration Number, IRS branch)
  • (P) (D) Contact information to be published (AUEB website, another website)
  • (P) (D) Job details (occupation, organization/company, position- job title)
  • (P) (D) Photo
  • Detailed resume/CV
  • Copies of degrees
  • (P) Certificates of work experience
  • (P) Certificates of teaching experience
  • (P) Other contact information (Skype ID, Linkedin ID)

Those of the above data marked (D) (hereinafter "type D data") are made public by the Center. This disclosure may refer to the summary of instructors’ information in the Study Guide (no. 16 par. 5 of the Center’s Regulation) or to the posting of information on the Center’s website.

Those of the above data marked (P) are submitted optionally. The rest are mandatory.

  1. Purposes of data collection and processing

The Center collects and processes the above data to:

  1. a) evaluate the approval of programs and the inclusion of applicants in the Registry.
  2. b) comply with the obligation to maintain a Register of Trainers, as provided for in Art. 15 of the Center’s Regulation.
  3. c) engage in contractual agreements with the registered trainers.
  4. d) proceed with the issuance of necessary documents or other tax data.
  5. e) publish details of the instructors' curriculum vitae in the Study Guide, in accordance with the provision of Art. 16 par. 5 of the Center’s Regulation.
  6. f) post information about trainers on the Center’s website.


  1. Legal basis of processing

The processing of instructors’ personal data is based on the following legal bases:

  1. a) regarding purposes a', b', d' and e' in compliance with a legal obligation (Article 6 par.1c GDPR)
  2. b) regarding purpose c, in the execution of a contract (Article 6 par. 1b GDPR) to which the data subject (in this case a trainer or a prospective trainer) is a party or to take measures at the request of the data subject prior to the agreement.
  3. c) regarding purpose f, in the fulfilment of a duty performed in the public interest or in the exercise of public authority assigned to the data controller (Article 6 par. 1e GDPR).
  4. Duration of Processing
  5. a) In the event that the registration in the Registry is not completed, the personal data submitted will be deleted immediately.
  6. b) In case of signing a contract, the trainer's personal data related to this contract is kept for twenty (20) years, for the purpose of compliance with tax obligations and the exercise/defence of AUEB’s legal rights. In this case, the data kept is the relevant and necessary for the fulfilment of the above purposes.
  7. c) In case of registration in the Register, the trainer's personal data is kept throughout the period of maintenance of the Register. And in this case, the data kept is only what is registered in the Register.
  8. D) Type D data is made public for the entire period during which the Center offers programs in which the instructor participates.
  9. Rights of trainers

Trainers registered in the Register:

  • have the right to access their submitted personal data.
  • have the right to correct inaccurate or untrue data.
  • have the right to restrict the processing of their personal data when the accuracy of the data is disputed or illegal or the Center no longer needs the personal data for processing purposes.
  • have the right to object and can object at any time for reasons related to their situation, to the processing of their personal data.
  • can object to decision-making by automated means and demand that decisions be made by individuals and not just by computers.
  • have the right to request the deletion of their data, and this right is satisfied if and to the extent that this is permissible based on the legality requirements of a more specific processing act.
  1. Recipients of Data

For the personal data collected in this context, there is no need for transmission. However, the recipients of the data may be the competent Services of the Ministry of Education, the National Statistical Service, the National Authority for Higher Education (NAHE), for which the University is obliged to publish and send statistics. In these cases, the data will be anonymous.

Public Authorities that may receive personal data in the context of a specific investigation are not considered recipients as defined in art. 4 par. 9 of EU 2016/679.

  1. Data protection from third parties

If it is deemed necessary a third party to process your data (e.g., support of the website by a technical company), we ensure that the obligation of confidentiality and protection on the part of the third party is contractually recorded. No data is sold or shared with third parties for any reason.

  1. Policy Review

The Center may modify this policy from time to time. If there is any significant change in the way the Center uses personal data, it will notify the trainers by sending a notification to all the email addresses they have provided or by posting a prominent notice on its webpage. However, trainers should check this policy periodically for any amendments.


  1. Supervising Authority

In Greece, the Competent Supervisory Authority you can contact to submit questions or complaints regarding issues of personal data processing that fall within its competences provided for by the provisions of GDPR, is the Personal Data Protection Authority (www.dpa.gr).


Data Controller

Athens University of Economics & Business

Patision 76, 104 34 Athens


Competent Office at AUEB

Training and Lifelong Learning Center (Center)

Kefallinias 46, 11251, Athens

Tel.: 210 8203912

Email: secretariat@diaviou.aueb.gr


Data Protection Officer

Maria Antonopoulou (Ms)

Tel.: 210 8203135

Email: dpo@aueb.gr


45, Kefallinias Str., 11257, Athens

  • dummy secretariat@diaviou.aueb.gr

  • dummy+30 210 8203 913

For the in Class programs:

  • dummydiazosis@diaviou.aueb.gr

  • dummy+30 210 8203 916, 912, 914

For the eLearning Programs:

  • dummyelearning@diaviou.aueb.gr

  • dummy+30 210 8203 753

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