Professor Vassilis Papadakis is Vice Rector of International Cooperation and Growth, and Director of the Executive MBA. He holds a BSc and an MBA from the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB) and a PhD from the London Business School. Dr Papadakis’s main research interests are in the area of Business Strategy, Strategic Decision Making, Mergers and Acquisitions and Managing Strategic Changes. He has published in several international journals including Strategic Management Journal, Organisation Science, British Journal of Management, International Studies of Management and Organisation, Business Strategy Review, European Management Journal, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, Management Decision and others. His papers have also been presented in various conferences including: the American Academy of Management, the Strategic Management Society, the British Academy of Management, the European Foundation of Management Development, the Hellenic Operations Research Society, the Greek Management Association etc.He is the co-editor (with. Patrick Barwise) of an international book on ‘Strategic Decisions’ (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998).
His research has received two noted Best Paper Awards from the US Academy of Management, in 1996 and 2003. Another paper examining the effectiveness of Mission Statements (with C. Markides) has been selected among 250 papers and published in the annual volume edited by the Strategic Management Society.He mainly teaches courses on Business and Corporate Strategy and the Management of Strategic Change. In recognition of his performance as an academic teacher he has been awarded ‘Teaching Excellency Awards’ by the following postgraduate programs at the AUEB: a) MBA International (ex Postgraduate Program in Decision Sciences) b) Executive MBA and c) MSc in Marketing and Communication with new Technologies.Dr Papadakis has participated in various consulting projects in Greek and Multinational companies both at a national and international level. He has also taught a number of executive training courses on Strategy and the Management of Strategic Change in various companies including: Vodafone, Alpha Bank, Eurobank/Open24, Greek Postal Savings Bank, Germanos Group of Companies, Abbott Laboratories, SAP Hellas, Group Schneider, Public Power Corporation, Hellenic Posts (ELTA), Piaggio, Apivita, Hellenic Railways Organization (OSE), Gilead Sciences etc.He is a member of the American and the British Academy of Management as well as the strategic Management Society. He is regular reviewer for international academic journals, including Academy of Management Review, Management Science, Journal of Management Studies, British Journal of Management, Academy of Management Perspectives and Organization Studies.
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