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Choursoglou Stavros

Attorney, D.E.A.

Stavros O. Hoursoglou is attorney before the Supreme Court of Greece, and a graduate of the Law School of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece and the Law School of Pierre Mendes France-Grenoble II University, France with a postgraduate diploma in Criminal Law and Criminology (D.E.A., Droit penal-sciences criminelles) at the Aix-Marseille III University and Paris I-Pantheon Sorbonne, France. He is a life member of the Hellenic Criminal Bar Association by which he was honoured with the Constantinos Tsirimokos award. He is also a member of the Hellenic Association of Criminal Law and of the International Association of Penal Law and member of the editorial board, head of the criminal content, of the Greek law journal "Nomiko Vima" of the Athens Bar Association. Furthermore, he has been a member of the Preparatory Law Commission for the new Greek Criminal Procedure Code and, as well as lecturer on issues of criminal law and criminal procedure at scientific events and seminars held by prestigious academic and scientific institutions. Moreover, he has been author of scientific articles and commentaries on judicial decisions, concerning Criminal Law issues. He handles exclusively criminal cases, specializing in white-collar cases, and drafting and supporting criminal cassations before the Criminal Division of the Supreme Court of Greece.


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