Leonidas Rompolis is an Associate Professor in Finance at the Department of Accounting and Finance of the Athens University of Economics and Business. He holds a B.Sc. in Mathematics from the University of Athens and a M.Sc. in "Statistics and Stochastic Models in Economics and Finance" from Paris 7 and Paris 1 Universities and ENSAE. He also holds a Ph.D in Finance from the Department of Accounting and Finance of the Athens University of Economics and Business.
He has served as lecturer in Finance at the Department of Public and Business Administration at University of Cyprus, and as a lecturer and an assistant professor in Finance at the Department of Accounting and Finance of the Athens University of Economics and Business. He has also taught at the National Technical University of Athens and the Hellenic Open University. He also gives academic seminars to professionals working on the financial sector.
His research interests are in the field of stocks and derivatives valuation, financial mathematics, computational finance, and financial econometrics.
His work has been published in academic journals, such as the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Financial Research, Journal of Futures Markets, Journal of Empirical Finance, Quantitative Finance, European Financial Management, International Journal of Forecasting, while his research was funded by European and Greek institutions.
He has also served as a referee to a number of journals such as the Management Science, Quantitative Finance, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, International Review of Economics and Finance, Journal of Empirical Finance, Journal of Financial Research, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Derivatives, Economic Modelling, Computational Economics.
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