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Truli Emmanuela

Associate Professor at AUEB

Emmanuela Truli is Assistant Professor of Civil Law at the Department of Business Administration of the Athens University of Economics and Business. She teaches Civil and Competition Law to undergraduate and postgraduate students of AUEB. She served as a Member of the Board of Directors of AADE from February 2017 to May 2022. In 2016 she undertook, as an Expert, the study for the European Parliament - "Ex-post analysis of the EU framework in the area of cross-border mergers and divisions": [pp. 12-69].

She served as Rapporteur-Member of the Hellenic Competition Commission in the years 2010- 2013, while she had already served in the Directorate General for Competition as Legal Expert, Head of Division and Deputy Director of the Legal Service since 2006. During and prior to her term as a Member of the Hellenic Competition Commission, she handled a large number of major cases in various sectors of the Greek economy, indicatively in energy (including gas and petroleum products markets) and banking. During the same period, she represented the authority in working groups of the European Commission, the Network of European Competition Authorities, OECD and UNCTAD. She holds a Master's degree (LL. M. ) from Columbia University School of Law in New York and a Ph. D. (Dr. Juris) from the Law School of the University of Munich. Her PhD thesis has been published in Germany, while her articles, contributions and papers have been published in books and journals in Greece, Germany, Britain and the USA.

She was elected Lecturer of Civil Law at the Athens University of Economics and Business in 2010 and Assistant Professor of the same department in 2018. She is a member of the Athens Bar Association since October 1998, as well as of the New York Bar Association since March 2004. She has worked in law firms in Munich and Athens and specializes in civil, commercial and European law cases, especially competition, energy, commercial contracts and personal data protection law. She speaks English, German, French and Spanish.


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