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Chalastani Vasiliki

PhD Candidate, Laboratory of Harbour Works, NTUA

Vasiliki Chalastani is currently a PhD Candidate at the Laboratory of Harbour Works, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece. Her thesis, entitled "Optimization Approaches for Marine Spatial Planning" is supervised by V.K. Tsoukala. During 2018-2019, she acted as a consultant of the Alternate Minister of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy of Greece. Previously, and following her undergraduate studies as a Civil Engineer at NTUA, Vasiliki pursued her MSc entitled ''Water Air Pollution and Energy at global and regional scales" at Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France., Paris, with A.K. Magnan, on the issue of climate change adaptation. Vasiliki also acts as external consultant of the Saudi Red Sea Project, for which she developed a marine spatial planning initiative, led by C.M. Duarte. Vasiliki acts as a teaching assistant for the courses "Maritime Hydraulics and Harbour Engineering" and “Coastal Engineering” for the NTUA undergraduate program and for “Integrated Coastal Zone Management” for the postgraduate program “Science and Technology of Water Resources”.


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