Dr. Vasiliki Koniakou is a graduate of the Law School of the National Kapodistrian University of Athens, and she holds a Master's degree in International, European and Comparative Law, specializing in Law and Information Society, from the Faculty of Law of the University of Tuku (Finland). In 2021 she completed her doctoral studies as a scholar of the Finnish Academy. The topic of her thesis was Internet Governance. During her academic career, Vasiliki delved into issues related to Internet Governance and the impact of different Internet Governance structures on fundamental rights, especially privacy, data protection and freedom of expression. Her research also looked at the normative aspects of technology, as well as standardisation as a means of managing and controlling behaviour, focusing in particular on the link between standard setting and rule making for technologies.
Her current research interest focuses on contemporary legal and ethical challenges in engineering and technological development, with a particular focus on AI and the future of democratic governance of new and emerging technologies. She is particularly concerned with exploring issues related to law and technology governance in the rapidly evolving technological landscape, as well as children's digital maturity and fundamental rights. In this context, it also explores the role and impact that ESG criteria can have in introducing human rights-related principles and requirements in technology governance. As of May 2023, she is a postdoctoral researcher at the ISTLab of the Athens University of Economics and Business (Department of Management Science and Technology).In addition, she is working as Head of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) management at the Office of Technology Transfer (TTO) of the Athens University of Economics and Business.Finally, since 2019 he also serves as Data Protection Officer at the Athens Entrepreneurship and Innovation Centre.Vasiliki is a member of the Association of Internet Researchers (AOIR), and the Association of Digital Constitutionalists, and a founding member of MyData Global.
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