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Toli Eleni

Scientific Associate

Eleni Toli is a research associate and senior project manager at the Athena RC and at the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications at the University of Athens. She has been involved in the scientific and technical coordination of several EU-funded projects related to ICT, with a particular focus on Open Science and Open Access Research, Data Infrastructures, Data Repositories, Open Data and Cloud Computing, in the thematic areas of digital social innovation, agri-food systems, SDGs implementation and digital cultural innovation. She has been the director of the NI4OS-Europe project, one of the projects that supported the implementation of the European Open Science Cloud.


45, Kefallinias Str., 11257, Athens

  • dummy secretariat@diaviou.aueb.gr

  • dummy+30 210 8203 913

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  • dummydiazosis@diaviou.aueb.gr

  • dummy+30 210 8203 916, 912, 914

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  • dummyelearning@diaviou.aueb.gr

  • dummy+30 210 8203 753

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