Christina Ι. Tarnanidou is an Associate Professor in Commercial and Financial Law at the Department of Business Administration of Athens University of Economics and Business. She lectures in Commercial Law, Capital Markets Law and Corporate Governance as well as in Energy Financial Law both at undergraduate and postgraduate level.
She completed her graduate and postgraduate studies at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and postgraduate level courses at the University of Essex (UK). She received a PhD from the School of Law of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki on the “Doctrine of Derivatives Contracts of the Financial Sector”.
She is a 23-year senior quality legal expert in commercial and financial law and consulted intensively mainly for financial institutions (Greek and foreign), stock exchanges and other financial market infrastructures (Hellenic Energy Exchange - HENEX, Hellenic Exchange Clearing House - EnExClear) as well as for other enterprises of the financial sector. She worked as a legal counsel since 1999 in the financial markets sector (Athens Derivatives Exchange - ADEX, Athens Derivatives Exchange Clearing House - ADECH, Hellenic Exchanges - HELEX, Athens Exchange - ATHEX, Athens Exchange Central Securities Depository - ATHEXCSD, Athens Exchange Clearing House - ATHEXClear) and participated as a representative of the Stock Exchange and the Capital Markets in various European associations (e.g., European Central Securities Depositories Association - ECSDA).
She has also strong expertise in the regulatory affairs field of the financial sector and cooperates with domestic and EU Policy makers and Supervisory Authorities in Greece and abroad (e.g., European Securities & Markets Authority - ESMA).
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