Currently she serves on the editorial board of three international journals, while she has served on the program committee and as associate editor for international information systems conferences for multiple years (ICIS, ECIS, IFIP). She has been program co-chair and organising chair for the International Federation for Information Processing Conferences on Organisational Information Systems, ICTs and socio-economic development and IS and Virtuality, and the Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems. She has acted as research coordinator in 20 EU and national funded Research and Development projects in the areas of digital learning and knowledge management, digital organisational networks and ICTs and socio-economic research, most of them involving collaboration with academic and industrial partners across Europe. Since 2001 she is the Director of the Organisational Information Systems Research Group in ELTRUN and currently the director of the ISTLab of the Department of Management Science and Technology of the AUEB. She has supervised or co-supervised 12 doctoral dissertations, she is a member of the doctoral studies committee of the DMST and a founding member of the Council in the Centre for Life-Long Learning of the AUEB. Prior to that she was the scientific and technical coordinator of the task force for the development of the distance learning program which now offers over 60 courses. She is a member of the PhD Studies Committee of DMST AUEB and the executive committees of the MSc in Business Analytics and the MSc in Human Resource Management of the AUEB. Since 2007 she is the academic co-ordinator of the global SAP university alliances programme for AUEB. Since 2022 she serves as a member of the Council of the Diplomatic Academy of the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
45, Kefallinias Str., 11257, Athens
dummy+30 210 8203 913
For the in Class programs:
dummy+30 210 8203 916, 912, 914
For the eLearning Programs:
dummy+30 210 8203 753