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Iordanoglou Dimitra

Assistant Professor, Department of Communication, Media and Culture at Panteion University

Dimitra Iordanoglou is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication, Media and Culture at Panteion University. She teaches in the Postgraduate Programs "Cultural Management" and "New Media and Journalism" at Panteion University, and as a visiting professor in the "Executive MBA" and the MSc "Human Resources Management" at Athens University of Economics and Business. She has been recognized with a high teaching performance award at Athens University of Economics and Business. As a Fulbright Visiting Scholar, she conducted research in neuro-leadership at the Stevens Institute of Technology of the USA. She is the author of the books "Human Resource Management in Contemporary Organizations: New Trends and Practices" and "Leaders of the Future" (with co-authors). Additionally, she directs the series "Leadership and Emotional Intelligence" at Pedio Publications. Dimitra has also worked as a human resource development consultant for businesses and organizations, focusing on leadership, emotional intelligence, teamwork, communication, and stress and time management. She was the coordinator of the European Young Leaders Program, is a member of the NeuroLeadership Institute, and is a licensed Emotional Intelligence consultant by Hay/McBer - USA.


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