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Konstantinidou Maria

Assistant Professor of Early Byzantine Literature, Department of Greek Philology, Democritus University of Thrace

Maria Konstantinidou is an Assistant Professor of Early Byzantine Literature in the Department of Greek Philology at the Democritus University of Thrace. She has studied History and Philology at D.U.Th. and at the University of Oxford, where she worked on the Oxyrhynchus Papyri collection and participated in research programs. Her research interests include critical editions of Byzantine texts, Christian and secular Greek texts of the Early Byzantine period, papyrology, and palaeography. Over the past three years, her research and teaching have focused on Digital Methods for the Humanities, particularly in the study of Ancient Greek and Byzantine texts, the study of papyri and medieval manuscripts, as well as information organization for ancient texts and their carriers. Among other works, she has co-authored (with Stamatis Bouse) a manual on digital research methods for primary sources in philology. She is the Principal Investigator of the H.F.R.I.-funded Program DMC - Lexi for the digital edition of manuscripts of the Lexicon by Cyril of Alexandria.


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