Ekaterini (Katerina) Perrou, Assistant Professor of Public Law (Public Economic Law, Tax Law and Pubic Finance) at the School of Law of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She is a lawyer, member of the Athens Bar, and Managing Partner of the Law Firm "K. & K. Perrou Law Firm". Since 2016, she serves as Legal Counsel at the Office of the Governor of the Independent Authority for Public Revenue. She Holds a Law Degree from the Law School of the University of Athens, from which she also received a Master's Degree in Public Law. She holds a PhD in International Tax Law from IALS, University of London (UK). Her PhD thesis, entitled “Taxpayer Participation in Tax Treaty Dispute Resolution”, has been published by the IBFD (2014).
She was a post-doctoral researcher in international tax law at the IBFD (Amsterdam, Netherlands) and a Post-doctoral Fellow in Tax Law at the Law School of the University of Athens. She is a visiting professor at Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom and at the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands. She has authored two monographs ("Fundamental Rights and Tax Procedure", Nomiki Bibliothiki 2022 and "Economic Freedom in the EU and measures to protect public revenues", Nomiki Bibliothiki 2022). She has published extensively in Greek and international scientific journals on various topics of international and European tax law, and she is a frequent speaker at conferences on tax law issues.
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