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Polemis Michael

Professor of Industrial Economics, Department of Economics, University of Piraeus

Michael Polemis is Professor of Industrial Economics at the Department of Economics and a Member of the Hellenic Competition Commission from April 2017. He received his Ph.D. in Economics from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. During his undergraduate and postgraduate studies was granted a scholarship from the Foundation of Public Scholarships (I.K.Y). He has worked as a research assistant and later as a section head with the Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research. During the period 2008-2011 he served as a teaching assistant at the Economics Department of the University of Piraeus in Greece, while for the years 2004-2014 he served as a scientific expert-economist and head of unit at the Hellenic Competition Commission.His main areas of research include industrial organisation, competition policy and regulation and energy and environmental economics. Based on IDEAS RePEc’s ranking list, he is currently ranked (March 2020) at the Top 10% of economists globally and at the Top 5% of economists in Greece according to seven criteria (this ranking takes into account only publications in the last 10 years, for authors registered with the RePEc Author Service). He has more than 1000 citations as appeared in Google Scholar (July 2020)He has published more than 80 papers in many distinguished scientific journals -some of which are leading in the field- such as the European Journal of Operational Research, Economics Letters, Regional Studies, International Business Review, The Energy Journal, Energy Economics, Journal of Environmental Management, Empirical Economics, Economic Modelling, among others. He has written five scientific books and serves as a member of the editorial board of the European Competition Journal. He participates in many international conferences in Greece and abroad.


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