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Soufleros Elias

Emeritus Professor of Commercial Law, School of Law, University of Athens

Elias Soufleros is Emeritus Professor of Commercial Law at the School of Law, University of Athens. He has received a Law Degree from the Athens University Law School, a Political Science Degree from the Athens University, and a PhD (doctor juris) at the University of Munich, Germany (1982). He has served in the European Commission, Directorate General for Competition, as administrator-rapporteur in competition cases (1982-1990), and in the Hellenic Competition Commission as a Member (1995-2000), and as its Deputy President (2000-2003). Member of the legislative drafting committee for the reform of Greek Competition Law (2010). Deputy President of the legislative drafting committee for the implementation of Directive 2014/104 on actions for damages under national law for infringements of the competition law provisions (2017). Deputy Member of the Supreme Special Court (Greece) (2016-2017). He has published, among others, 3 books and more than 28 articles on European and Greek Competition Law.


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