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Pliakou Tatiani

Case Handler, Hellenic Competition Commission

Tatiani Pliakou, LL.M. is Case Handler at the Unit E of Legal Analysis of the Directorate E' of Energy, Transport, Water, Waste Management and Utility Networks at the Hellenic Competition Commission with main responsibility the enforcement of national Law 3959/2011 and EU competition rules (Articles 101 and 102 TFEU) in order to maintain or restore the healthy competitive structure of the Greek market. She graduated from the Law School of the Democritus University of Thrace and holds a Master's Degree in International and European Energy Law from the Democritus University of Thrace. She also holds an LL.M. (Magister Rechtswissenschaft) from the University of Hamburg. She has participated in working groups on energy and transport issues of the European Competition Network (ECN) of the European Commission. She has worked as a lawyer in large law firms in Hamburg and Athens. She has also worked as a legal advisor on compliance issues at the Hellenic Gas Distribution Company (Attica). She has experience in European law, competition law and energy law. She also holds a High School Diploma (Abitur) from the German School of Athens. She speaks excellent German and English and has good knowledge of French.


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