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Karydis Georgios

Professor at AUEB

Georgios Karydis is Professor of European Union Law at the Department of International and European Economic Studies at the Athens University of Economics and Business and holder of Jean Monnet Chair. He has graduated from the Law School of the University of Athens (1984) and holds a PhD from the University of Paris I - Sorbonne (1991). He has published widely, both books and articles, in Greece and abroad, especially in French Journals, such as the “Revue Trimestrielle de droit Europeen”, and in the Cahiers de Droit Europeen”), on European Economic Law, and in particular, on the legal aspects of the Internal Market, as well as on Competition and on Market Regulation. His research interests focus on EU State Aid and Competition Law, EU Internal Market Law and on the protection of investment in International and E.U Law


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