Sport is an activity (individual and social) with a wide public appeal (through participation and/or watching). Sports marketing refers to the process of planning and implementing activities to create, promote, price and market sports products/services to satisfy the needs or preferences of consumers and fulfil the objectives of the organization. As sport products/services have diverse, different, and specific characteristics compared to other products/services, sport marketing is a distinct scientific and professional field. In particular, sports marketing is a special and important subject to study because of the huge size of the sports industry (billions of euros per year), the wide audience it attracts, the high level of interest, involvement, and emotional attachment (loyalty, engagement) of customers/fans with their favorite teams, athletes and brands. Thus, sports marketing offers to the organizations involved great potential for increasing their revenues (e.g., sponsorships, advertising deals, TV and live streaming rights, licensing agreements, ticket sales) and brand equity. However, the development and implementation of marketing principles in the sports sector in Greece is still at an early stage and there is a shortage of managers, professionals, and other skilled staff with specialized knowledge in the field of sports marketing.
The aim of the program is for trainees to understand and capitalize on the challenges and opportunities of the globalized sports market. The program focuses on how marketing strategies can be effectively put into action to attract customers, generate revenue, and attain business objectives.
The program is designed for people with no or limited previous experience in the sports marketing field, who wish to gain up-to-date training and expertise in sports-related products/services and organizations. The aim of the program is to equip participants with the appropriate knowledge and professional skills to successfully design and implement sport marketing practices.
Upon completion of the program, participants will be able to:
The trainees, after completing the study of each thematic unit, are invited to take the corresponding written test remotely, which will be in the form of multiple choice and/or short answer questions through the electronic platform, following the schedule given. The score of previous thematic units is announced to the learner before the deadline for submitting the test of the next unit.
The grading scale ranges from 0 to 100. A student who scores at least fifty (50) is considered successful. In total, the final grade of the program is derived 50% from the assessment exercises of each thematic module and 50% from the final work submitted individually by the trainees after the end of the last module.
In case the trainee fails during the evaluation process (getting a total grade lower than 50%), he is entitled to be re-evaluated, without any additional financial costs. A second re-evaluation cannot be done and the trainee cannot receive a certificate of successful attendance of the program. If he wishes, he can re-apply to follow the program as a new learner.
The following conditions apply for trainees to participate in the program:
46, Kefallinias Str., 11251, Athens
dummy+30 210 8203 913
For the in Class programs:
dummy+30 210 8203 916, 912, 914
For the eLearning Programs:
dummy+30 210 8203 753