The statistical language R is a valuable tool for data management and statistical analysis that includes state-of-the-art data analytics related methodologies. R is an open-source language where anyone can contribute by developing libraries implementing statistical methodologies. This fact has led to a breakneck, almost frenetic, pace of development. At the same time, R has high-quality graphics making it an important tool in data visualisation. This creates an immediate need for training of many statistics graduates in this language. At the same time, the development of methodologies for the analysis of big data and the developments in both statistical science and other related sciences led to an increased need for training more data related scientists in R.
We have already successfully launched an e-learning project entitled "Data Analysis Using R". In that first introductory program, basic knowledge of R is taught to participants while the data analysis part is limited to a relatively simple level. In this second R course, we will deal with more advanced data analysis topics that are also more realistic in dealing with practical and real life problems.
One of this program's objectives is to train managers and recent graduates on how to analyze data using R while also ensuring that trainees will fully grasp key statistical principles through the use of R as a tool. In this context, this program offers ways to use R for statistical data analysis on real problems, always keeping in mind the applications and modern data management problems that occur in practice.
45, Kefallinias Str., 11257, Athens
dummy+30 210 8203 913
For the in Class programs:
dummy+30 210 8203 916, 912, 914
For the eLearning Programs:
dummy+30 210 8203 753