Dr. Vasileios Zeimpekis is appointed as Associate Professor at the Department of Financial and Management Engineering, School of Engineering at the University of the Aegean and serves also as Deputy Director of the Design, Operations & Production Systems (DeOPSys) Research lab. He is also the Chairman of the BoD of the Hellenic Logistics Association and participates as an official Member at the Hellenic Committee for the Development and Competitiveness of the Logistics sector providing pro bono advisory services in the Greek government concerning supply chain strategy and policy.
Recently Dr. Zeimpekis was included in the International Road Union (IRU) global list of the most influential personalities in the area of freight transportation. He has significant experience as a logistics expert, having collaborated with the United Nations (UNECE), the World Bank as well as the European Union (DG MOVE). Dr. Zeimpekis has published 7 international edited volumes in the management of Supply Chains and more than 100 articles and studies in academic journals and conferences. During the last twenty years he has participated in more than 70 research projects and more than 300 industrial projects in the field of supply chain and sustainable logistics. He holds a BEng(Hons) in Telecommunication Engineering from the University of Essex (UK), an MSc in Mobile & Satellite Communications from the University of Surrey (UK) and an MSc in Engineering Business Management from the University of Warwick (UK). He earned his PhD from the Department of Management Science and Technology at the Athens University of Economics and Business (GR). Dr. Zeimpekis is member of the Technical Chamber of Greece, of the Economic Chamber of Greece, and the European Technical Chamber (FEANI).
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