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Katsaros Kleanthis

Assistant Professor, University of Patras

Kleanthis Katsaros is Assistant Professor of Business Administration and Organizational Behavior at the University of Patras. He is also a visiting professor at the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), ESCE - International Business School (Ecole Superrieure du Commerce Exterieur, Paris, France), and lecturer in various undergraduate and postgraduate programs at Universities and other Educational Institutions (Open University of Cyprus, Hellenic Open University, National School of Public Administration & Local government, etc.). He is a graduate of the Business Administration Department of the University of Macedonia, holder of post-graduate degrees in Information Systems and International Economic Relations and a PhD from the University of Macedonia with a focus on Strategic Change Management and Organizational Behaviour. He has published in dozens of international scientific journals and international peer-reviewed conferences, while his research interests are related to Organizational Behavior and more specifically to Leadership, Human Resource Management and Change Management. In addition, Dr. Katsaros has in the past 19 years of work experience as a senior executive of various private and public organizations.


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