Emmanouil Polychronides is a rhetoric trainer and political scientist. He has completed his studies with distinction in Political Science at the University of Athens at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, as well as in Economic Science at Deree College, where he actively participated in the rhetorical competition of Parliamentary Debating. He has competed with international distinctions and served as a judge in numerous university debating competitions in Greece and abroad. He has coached debating teams in public and private schools and has trained rhetoric adjudicators in various parts of Greece as a member of the organizing committee of the Inter-School Rhetoric Competitions of the Filekpedeftiki Eteria and as a member of the Judging Committee of the Panhellenic Student Debating Competition of the Ministry of Education.
He was a scientific advisor and judge on the television show "Logomachies" (2005-2006), a trainer at the Youth Forum of the International Debating Education Association (I.D.E.A.) in Trest, Czech Republic (2007), and a member of the organizing committee and speaker trainer at the first TEDxAthens (2009). He has presented scientific papers on debating, argumentation, and rhetoric at international conferences and has organized numerous training sessions on rhetorical skills and competitions, including in Belgrade in September 2015 at the Train the Trainers Workshop of the International Debating Education Association (I.D.E.A.). He has studied in the Rhetoric Circle of Giannis Andrianatos, learned Storytelling with Stelios Pelasgos, and attended experiential workshops in Theatrical Improvisation with Menelaos Prokos and in Drama Therapy with Antigoni Christoforou. He has been an active member of two Toastmasters clubs and a regular attendee at TEDx conferences and online talks on TED.com.
For the past 14 years, he has founded and coordinated rhetoric clubs in public elementary and middle schools, training professionals, parent groups, and students in the art and technique of public speaking. He collaborated with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for the first two Political Thought Seminars (2013-2014) and has been working with Ionios School for the past 7 years as a rhetoric trainer in Greek and debate/MUN in English for elementary, middle, and high school students, while also collaborating with the Ellinoagliki Agogi School as a Rhetoric Trainer for elementary students. He is a founding member of the Greek Association for the Promotion of Rhetoric in Education and a member of the Scientific Association for Adult Education. Since 2016, he has been teaching presentation techniques and public speaking techniques at the National School of Public Administration and Self-Governance, as well as Persuasion and Argumentation at the Training Institute of the National Center for Public Administration and Self-Governance. In 2023-24, he marked his eleventh year of collaboration with the Certificate in Negotiations program at the Athens University of Economics and Business.
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