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Tsoukala Vasiliki

Professor, Director of the Laboratory of Port Projects, National Technical University of Athens

Prof. V. Tsoukala has been a Professor and the Director of the Laboratory of Harbour Works, NTUA since 2016. She is an expert in Environmental Marine Hydraulics and Harbour Works. She has participated as PI and/or team coordinator in more than 40 funded research projects. Her research interests focus on the environmental design and operation nexus of ports and coastal structures under climate change. Her research work also entails wave propagation, wave-structure interactions, hydrodynamics of structures, wave transformations, wave energy and the impact of wave structures in beach erosion, big data analysis, storm identification, extreme event analysis in coastal zones and application of Artificial Intelligence in Coastal Engineering.

Her academic achievements involve over 150 publications in international peer-reviewed journals and scientific conferences of high impact factor, while she has participated as a Guest Editor or Reviewer in both international scientific journals and conferences. Committed to publishing high quality research, Prof. Tsoukala is building a strong record, particularly the last three years, on the field of coastal and port engineering (e.g. Applied Ocean Research, Ocean Engineering, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Ocea¬nologia, Marine Policy, Ocean and Coastal Management, Frontiers in Marine Science, Energy Procedia, Journal of Marine Science & Engineering, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Sustainability) and she has exhibited a noteworthy presence in international conferences after review either on the full paper or the abstract. Her Research Interest Score according to ResearchGate platform is higher than: 93% of researchers with work related to Ocean Engineering, 91% of researchers with work related to Environmental Engineering and with 94% of researchers with work related to Civil Engineering.


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