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Tsoni Evdokia

Post-Doctoral researcher

Evdokia Tsoni (BA (Hons), MBA (iB), MSc, MBA (HR), Ph.D, PostDoc) is a post-doctoral researcher (PostDoc) of the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB). She holds a PhD from the Department of Management Science and Technology, as a scholar of the Hellenic State Scholarship Foundation (IKY) and she is currently an academic scholar at AUEB. She received her Bachelor’s in Business Economics from the University of Glasgow with distinction. She holds an MBA in Human Resources Management from the University of the Aegean, an MBA in International Management from the University of Wales (UK) and an MSc in International and European Studies from the University of Piraeus with academic honors and scholarships.

Her scientific research interests are focused on the field of Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior and more specifically on recruitment, selection and performance management with an emphasis on the role of technology. She teaches courses in Human Resource Management, Recruitment and Selection Practices, Digital Human Resource Management, Assessment in the Workplace, etc., at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, for which she has been granted Teaching Excellence awards, while she has extensive experience in providing HR consulting services and in-house training programs for executives in public organizations and private companies.

She also has extensive work experience in IT, pharmaceutical and petrochemical companies and as a researcher and consultant in Greece and Europe. Evdokia has authored book chapters in international academic publications, and her research has been presented in numerous international conferences and scientific publications. He is a member of many scientific organizations, such as the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, etc.


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  • dummy+30 210 8203 913

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  • dummy+30 210 8203 916, 912, 914

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