George Baltas is a Professor of marketing and consumer behaviour at the Athens University of Economics and Business, Department of Marketing & Communication. He holds a BSc in economics, an MBA with distinction, as well as a PhD from the University of Warwick. Prior to joining AUEB he was a lecturer in marketing at Warwick Business School, England. Professor George Baltas is the Director of the AUEB MSc in Marketing Analytics and the AUEB Marketing Research Laboratory. He was elected President of the Greek Marketing Academy in 2020. His research interests include consumer behaviour, consumer analytics, marketing research methods, and quantitative models. Professor George Baltas has published extensively in well-established academic journals including Annals of Operations Research, Applied Economics, Decision Sciences, Expert Systems with Applications, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Service Research, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Advertising Research, European Journal of Marketing, European Journal of Operational Research, Industrial Marketing Management, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, Journal of the Market Research Society, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Product and Brand Management, Journal of Retailing & Consumer Services, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Marketing Letters, Psychology & Marketing, and Transportation Research, among many others.
His research work has so far received more than 4,600 citations in the research literature (h-index of 29) as well as six best paper awards.
Professor George Baltas has also reviewed extensively for numerous scholarly journals such as the Decision Sciences, European Journal of Marketing, European Journal of Operational Research, International Marketing Review, International Journal for Research in Marketing, Marketing Science, Journal of Business Research, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Journal of Retailing, Transportation Research and is on the editorial board of the Journal of Product and Brand Management, Industrial Marketing Management, the International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, and the Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences.
Professor George Baltas received Best Paper Awards from the British Academy of Management Conference in 2012, 2016 and 2020.
He has acted as Chair of the Methods, Modelling & Marketing Analytics Track for six annual EMAC Conferences and been on organizing and scientific committees of several other conferences.
His research has attracted considerable mass media coverage with several hundred articles, interviews and reports in newspapers, magazines, trade publications, digital and broadcast media. He is also a frequent speaker and panellist in professional meetings, roundtables, and conferences.
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