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Angelou Ioannis


Ioannis S. Angelou is a Judge at the Administrative Court of First Instance of Athens, a Postdoctoral Fellow and External Affiliate of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens’ (‘NKUA’) School of Law. He is a graduate of the School of Law of the NKUA (2007-2011), where he was awarded an LL.M. Degree in Public Law (2012, ‘Excellent’), and a Ph.D. (2019, ‘Excellent’). Prior to his admission to the Greek National School of Judges (2019) he was an Attorney at Law [Athens Bar Association (2014–2019), practicing in Public Law, EU Law, and Human Rights Law cases], and a Research Associate of the Center for Security Studies of the Ministry of the Interior of the Hellenic Republic (2015--2019). He is the author of two books [(a) The Judicial Review of Administrative Acts of Broad Discretion, Mainly in the Context of Economic Regulation: The Case of Implementation of the Single Monetary Policy of the Eurozone, Nomiki Bibliothiki Editions, 2024 (in Greek), and (b) Central Bank Independence and Accountability in Liberal Democracy-Comparative Research on the Independence and Accountability of the European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve System, Nomiki Bibliothiki Editions, 2021 (in Greek)]. He is the publishing editor of several scientific publications, and has also contributed to several Greek and foreign collective volumes. Moreover, he has published a series of scientific articles in law journals. He has also participated in various scientific conferences in Greece and abroad. Lastly, he has taught in training programs for judicial officers and/or court clerks, in Greece (under the auspices of the Greek Council of State or the Greek National School of Judges) and abroad (in the framework of the 'European Judicial Training Network', ‘EJTN’).


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