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Zevgolis Nikolaos

Ministry of National Economy & Finance, Ministry of National Economy & Finance

Nikolaos Zevgolis, lawyer/special scientist at the Hellenic Competition Commission (HCC) since 2004, is currently seconded to the Central State Aid Unit of the Ministry of National Economy & Finance. In the past (12/2015 – 08/2019) he has served as a Rapporteur/Member of the HCC having participated in important decisions, and in some cases also he was the writer of decisions of the said independent Authority. He has taught at the Athens University of Economics (DEOS Department), the Open University of Cyprus and the Hellenic Open University. He has received a bachelor's degree and a PhD from the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, as well as a LLM degree from the University of Kent (Canterbury) in UK. As far as it concerns his scientific interests, the following are briefly mentioned: he is the author of 6 books (one is the 2nd edition) in Greek on the subject of competition and state aid issues and one (1) in English (with a co-author).


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