The program intends to link Greek practice with international trends in public sector financial management. The program presents and analyses concepts such as the alternative accounting bases (cash basis - accrual basis) and the financial statements in the public sector, as well as relevant concepts (assets, liabilities, equity, revenues and expenses), the different budget types applied (line-item budget, performance-based budget, zero-based budget), the conceptual framework of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) and their basic accounting principles. All the above are analysed using examples and comprehension exercises.
Moreover, the program presents new methods of providing public sector accounting information to the users (popular reporting, integrated reporting) and the framework of the European Public Sector Accounting Standards (EPSAS). Finally, the accounting and budgeting systems applied in Greece at the central and local government level are presented, and a short introduction is made to the Presidential Decree (PD) 54/2018. The educational material is split into two categories. The core material consists of lectures in the form of PowerPoint presentations, reading material and exercises. The in-depth educational material includes further references to bibliography that can be used to study specific topics more in-depth.
The program targets trainees interested in getting an overview of public sector accounting at national and international levels. It presents international accounting trends (referring to International Public Sector Accounting Standards - IPSAS), different types of budgeting systems (for example, program-based budgeting) as well as modern financial reporting systems. At a parallel level, the program presents the state of public sector financial management in Greece. The program is an introduction to the most recent developments in public-sector accounting.
Note: The relevant eLearning program "New Accounting framework for the General Government - PD 54/2018" targets trainees who wish to get specialised knowledge on the new accounting framework that the PD 54/2018 introduces. The program emphasises the operation of the new accounting framework in practice focusing on the new accounting plan, which differentiates from the previously applied plans by general government entities, the way transactions are recorded, the accounting principles and rules that govern it, as well as the new financial statements. The program prepares the trainees for the implementation of PD54/2018 in terms of practical application.
45, Kefallinias Str., 11257, Athens
dummy+30 210 8203 913
For the in Class programs:
dummy+30 210 8203 916, 912, 914
For the eLearning Programs:
dummy+30 210 8203 753