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Coding Factory

Short Overview

The purpose of the program is training in computer programming at a professional level and the connection of academia with business. The duration of the program is 6 months (24 weeks), while the teaching method will be blended: live in the premises of the center and at the same time remotely via MS Teams.

During this program, trainees will be trained in programming with various programming languages such as Java, C #, Python, PHP, JavaScript, SQL, Angular, TypeScript, etc. at the level of Full Stack Web Programmer, so that they can understand the range of applications that can be developed at a business level but also the benefit that comes from being able to solve real world problems.

Coding Factory and the AUEB Career Office join forces in providing Coding graduates Factory the services offered to students/graduates of undergraduate and postgraduate study programs of AUEB. These services are multidimensional and concern the preparation, integration and repositioning of trainees in the market.

Learning Goals
This course aims to:
  • provide the trainees with the necessary knowledge and skills in Full - Stack programming.
  • enable people from various professional or scientific fields to work professionally with Programming.
  • equip the trainees with professional skills and methodically support them in finding a job in collaboration with the AUEN Career Office.
Program Value
At the end of the Program the trainees will be able to develop quality software applications as well as develop their personal and professional career. Coding Factory and the AUEB Career Office join forces in providing Coding graduates Factory the services offered to students/graduates of undergraduate and postgraduate study programs of AUEB. These services are multidimensional and concern the preparation, integration and repositioning of trainees in the labor market.
Weekly Schedule
Lectures take place daily (Monday-Friday) from 6pm to 9pm. There is a summer recess in August.
Learning Method Description

Trainees can participate in the program in two different ways: with in-classroom participation, or by watching live streaming , using a computer or smart phone at the place of their choice. Trainees that participate in the classroom should bring a laptop during class. Trainees declare their mode of participation in their application.

The Live Streaming method offers the following advantages:

  • training without geographical restrictions,
  • possibility to ask questions,
  • possibility to watch the videotaped lecture later, and
  • online availability of the program's educational material (the entire educational material is offered free of charge)

Teaching Language
Application deadline: 20/03/2025
Program start: 31/03/2025
Program completion: 15/10/2025
Way to follow
Other important information
Students participating in the classromm should bring their own laptop. For in-class participation, there is a limit of 30 attendees. There is no limit for participating through live streaming.
ECTS units: 25
Hours of live training: 452
Includes training hours with classroom, laboratory, or remote (via live streaming) instruction along with any breaks.
Hours of asynchronous training: 70
Includes training hours (indicative) using an asynchronous distance learning (eLearning) platform.
Additional hours of employment: 228
Additional hours of work are included (indicative) and may include individual study, writing assignments, participation in field visits, participation in exams, etc.
Total hours: 750
The total hours include hours of synchronous and asynchronous training, as well as additional hours of employment.
Weeks of training: 26
Weeks in which activities of any kind are planned are included.
Vocational Education and Training Certificate
Trainees who successfully complete the program are granted a Vocational Education and Training Certificate of the Center for Education and Lifelong Learning of the Athens University of Economics and Business, which is accompanied by a Supplement to the Certificate, detailing the subject of the program, the thematic units attended by the trainee , as well as the training methodology followed.
Petros Kalkanis, Implementation Office, , 210 8203914
Eleni Chalkiadaki, Secretariat, , 210 8203999
Target Audience
Coding Factory intended audience is:
  • Learners without prior knowledge of programming from other professional fields (e.g. positive, economic, social sciences) who would like to change careers (reskilling) and work professionally in computer programming and software development, and
  • IT graduates/professionals who would like to specialize and deepen their programming knowledge, (upskilling).
Prerequisite Knowledge
Trainees should have a basic working knowledge of using a PC and a word processor. Only open software, which is free of any charge, will be used.
Scientific Coordinator
Mode And Frequency Of Communication
A digital (moodle) course with ample teaching material is maintained, while the goal of the program is to create an electronic community. A forum is also used for the communication between instructors and students so that knowledge is solidified and questions are answered. A forum is also used where the instructors will present pertinent news. Finally, there is communication via e-mail. The frequency of communication is daily and continuous.
The tuition fees are 1200 euros and are paid in 6 installments of 200 euros each. If the case of a 15% discount, the installments are 164 euros each.
Trainees are informed of the installment amounts and related deadlines via email upon their acceptance into the program.


45, Kefallinias Str., 11257, Athens

  • dummy secretariat@diaviou.aueb.gr

  • dummy+30 210 8203 913

For the in Class programs:

  • dummydiazosis@diaviou.aueb.gr

  • dummy+30 210 8203 916, 912, 914

For the eLearning Programs:

  • dummyelearning@diaviou.aueb.gr

  • dummy+30 210 8203 753

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