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  • Topics in ERP Deployment and Implementation

Topics in ERP Deployment and Implementation

Short Overview

The educational program aims to comprehend topics directly or indirectly related to Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP). The program primarily focuses on theoretical orientation with references to practical applications of ERP solutions (SAP & NAV), which are globally widespread and adopted by companies and organizations across all industries.

Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERPs), as comprehensive set of software applications, support a wide range of operational activities and functions. They serve as operational tools for controlling, monitoring, and coordinating an enterprise's operational processes. ERPs achieve data and process integration, crucially contribute to improving performance and efficiency, and simultaneously support and trigger the redesign of operational processes, aiming for function optimization, increased productivity, and gaining a competitive advantage through the use of new information technologies. For modern businesses in the Information Society, ERPs constitute a fundamental pillar of transactional information infrastructure, enabling companies and organizations to meet the requirements and challenges of economic activity within the framework of globalization.

Learning Goals
After completing the course, the students should be able to:
  • Evolution of ERP systems
  • How ERP systems and the services they offer effectively support operational processes
  • Factors and parameters related to ERP system implementation and application projects
  • ERPs, platforms, and ERP software communities
  • Modern trends in transitioning and transforming operational processes
  • ERP project management: Selection, Development, Implementation, Maintenance, Upgrades
Teaching Material
  • Online synchronous/live lectures,
  • Presentations (slides),
  • Self-assessment exercises with detailed solutions,
  • Case Studies,
  • Project Management Simulation for ERP projects through collaborative educational activities,
  • Introduction to Modern Tools & Technologies (SAP, Microsoft).
Evaluation Method And Final Grade Computation
The performance of each trainee is evaluated during the program, through exercises and/or online self-assessment tests, and at the end of the program through an online exam that includes open-ended questions and/or through a work assignment. At the discretion of the academic supervisor, each trainee, after completing his educational obligations, may be called - via video conference - to an oral examination. Successful completion of the program and award of a training certificate requires a final grade of at least 50%.
Section Organization
  • Basic knowledge of Business Organization and Management,
  • Knowledge of English (at least B2 level),

Required documents:

  • High school diploma,
  • Certificate of English proficiency,
  • Certification of basic knowledge of Business Organization and Management (successful attendance of undergraduate and/or postgraduate courses, and/or professional experience, and/or attendance of seminars).
Learning Method Description
The program uses the Blended Learning educational method, so the teaching is partly asynchronous and partly synchronous, as follows:
  • The asynchronous part takes place on days and hours that serve the trainee, exclusively remotely (using a special educational platform via the internet and a PC from the trainee's area) and with the use of digital educational tools that ensure effective and flexible individual self- learning.
  • The synchronous part is done through teleconferences (1 teleconference per week), for the parts of the material that require learning with a strong element of interactivity.
Teaching Language
Application deadline: 16/02/2025
Program start: 19/02/2025
Program completion: 25/05/2025
Scientific area
Way to follow
ECTS units: 5
Hours of live training: 80
Includes training hours with classroom, laboratory, or remote (via live streaming) instruction along with any breaks.
Hours of asynchronous training: 40
Includes training hours (indicative) using an asynchronous distance learning (eLearning) platform.
Additional hours of employment: 30
Additional hours of work are included (indicative) and may include individual study, writing assignments, participation in field visits, participation in exams, etc.
Total hours: 150
The total hours include hours of synchronous and asynchronous training, as well as additional hours of employment.
Weeks of training: 13
Weeks in which activities of any kind are planned are included.
Vocational Education and Training Certificate
Trainees who successfully complete the program are granted a Vocational Education and Training Certificate of the Center for Education and Lifelong Learning of the Athens University of Economics and Business, which is accompanied by a Supplement to the Certificate, detailing the subject of the program, the thematic units attended by the trainee , as well as the training methodology followed.
Center Secretariat, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 210 8203753
Center Technical Support, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 210 8203754
Target Audience
The course is designed for graduates and undergraduates (AEI/Universities and TEI/Technical Colleges), as well as professionals employed or aspiring to work in a position related to the course's subject, seeking to acquire the appropriate theoretical framework.
Prerequisite Knowledge
  • Basic knowledge of Business Organization and Management,
  • Knowledge of English (at least B2 level),

Required documents:

  • High school diploma,
  • Certificate of English proficiency,
  • Certification of basic knowledge of Business Organization and Management (successful attendance of undergraduate and/or postgraduate courses, and/or professional experience, and/or attendance of seminars).
The total amount of tuition is €600 and is paid in three installments. The first installment, of €220, is paid as an advance payment before the start of the courses, to secure the position, and the other two, of €230 and €150, are paid during the program. In the event of a discount, the above amounts are reduced proportionally. Especially in the case of a 20% discount, the above amounts are €480 (total amount), €220 (first installment - ??advance payment), €160 (second installment) and €100 (third installment).
Trainees are informed of the installment amounts and related deadlines via email upon their acceptance into the program.


45, Kefallinias Str., 11257, Athens

  • dummy secretariat@diaviou.aueb.gr

  • dummy+30 210 8203 913

For the in Class programs:

  • dummydiazosis@diaviou.aueb.gr

  • dummy+30 210 8203 916, 912, 914

For the eLearning Programs:

  • dummyelearning@diaviou.aueb.gr

  • dummy+30 210 8203 753

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