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Export Marketing

Short Overview

Internationalization is a strategic priority of modern business. Opening up to new markets plays a key role in viability, competitiveness, achieving high added value, profitability and attaining business objectives. Nevertheless, the number of outward-looking companies in Greece remains small and there is a shortage of staff with specialized knowledge in the field of exports.

The aim of this program is to enhance trainees understanding of how to tackle and take advantage of the challenges and opportunities of the globalized market in the context of Greek SME/family businesses. The program focuses on export market selection criteria, appropriate marketing strategies (adaptation/localization, standardization) for the selected export market and how to develop an export marketing plan.

The program offers systematic and comprehensive training for entrepreneurs and business executives interested in initiating, developing, and maintaining export activities. It equips trainees with essential, theoretical and practical alike, export marketing knowledge, emphasizing successful, up-to-date, and hands-on techniques in the field of exporting.

Upon completion of the program, trainees will have added an important qualification to their CV, which will certify their export training and help advance their career. Most importantly, trainees will be able to develop action plans to initiate and grow their export activities.

Learning Goals

The program is designed for people with no or limited export experience, who wish to acquire up-to-date training and expertise in opening businesses to new markets. The aim of the program is to provide participants with the appropriate knowledge (e.g., international market analysis, export customer behavior and after-sales service) and practical skills (e.g., selection, access, and use of international databases, foreign partner sourcing, competitive mapping) with a view to designing and implementing successful export marketing plans.

Upon completion of the program, participants will be able to:

  • Comprehend and capitalize on the differences between domestic and international markets.
  • Understand when to standardize and when to localize the export marketing strategy
  • Conduct export market research and critically select export markets.
  • Identify and exploit business opportunities in international markets.
  • Enhance interpersonal communication skills and abilities with customers and partners in international markets
  • Make effective use of digital media and the internet in their export activities.
  • Design and implement action plans to initiate, maintain and develop their export activities.

Program Value
built or aspires to establish an international presence through export activities. Several Greek enterprises produce quality products but avoid engaging in export activity or do not fully exploit their export potential due to the lack of marketing involvement within the company. The program provides systematic and comprehensive training for initiating and developing export business activities. Trainees will be able to develop action plans to establish, develop, and maintain successful export activities.
Evaluation Method And Final Grade Computation
The trainees, after completing the study of each module, are required to take the corresponding written test remotely, which will be in the form of multiple choice and/or short answer questions through the electronic platform, following the schedule given. The score of previous modules are made known to the trainee before the deadline for submitting the test of the next unit. Successful completion of the program and award of a training certificate requires a final grade of at least 50%.
Learning Method Description
The program uses the eLearning educational method: learning takes place purely asynchronously (that is, on days and hours that serve the trainee, without mandatory attendance at a specific time or day), exclusively remotely (using a special educational platform via the internet from the trainee's area) and using digital educational tools such as video lectures, interactive self-assessment exercises, and other elearning tools that ensure effective and flexible individual self-learning. The program's training material becomes available at specific time periods, based on the training path followed, and then remains available on the training platform without restrictions throughout the duration of the program.
Teaching Language
Application deadline: 16/02/2025
Program start: 19/02/2025
Program completion: 20/04/2025
Scientific area
Way to follow
ECTS units: 2
Hours of asynchronous training: 40
Includes training hours (indicative) using an asynchronous distance learning (eLearning) platform.
Additional hours of employment: 20
Additional hours of work are included (indicative) and may include individual study, writing assignments, participation in field visits, participation in exams, etc.
Total hours: 60
The total hours include hours of synchronous and asynchronous training, as well as additional hours of employment.
Weeks of training: 8
Weeks in which activities of any kind are planned are included.
Vocational Education and Training Certificate
Trainees who successfully complete the program are granted a Vocational Education and Training Certificate of the Center for Education and Lifelong Learning of the Athens University of Economics and Business, which is accompanied by a Supplement to the Certificate, detailing the subject of the program, the thematic units attended by the trainee , as well as the training methodology followed.
Center Secretariat, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 210 8203753
Center Technical Support, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 210 8203754
Target Audience
The topics covered by this program are relevant to any business (small, medium, or large) that seeks either entry or a stable presence in international markets through exporting. Several Greek companies produce high quality products but do not exploit the opportunities of export markets due to lack of knowledge regarding foreign market selection and entry mode. The program provides systematic and comprehensive training for initiating and developing export business activities. Consequently, the program mainly aims at Greek family business and small and medium-sized Greek companies and is expected to attract executives or owners of such enterprises.
Prerequisite Knowledge
  • High school diploma.
  • Basic computer skills (word processing, worksheets, browsers, e-mail).
Scientific Coordinator
Mode And Frequency Of Communication
Communication between trainers and trainees is purely asynchronous, via e-mails and/or personal messages through the training platform.
The total amount of tuition is €400 and is paid in two installments. The first installment, of €180, is paid as an advance payment before the start of the courses, to secure the place, and the second, of €220, is paid before the program is half completed. In the event of a discount, the above amounts are reduced proportionally. Especially in the case of a 20% discount, the above amounts are set at €320 (total amount), €180 (first installment - ??advance payment) and €140 (second installment).
Trainees are informed of the installment amounts and related deadlines via email upon their acceptance into the program.


45, Kefallinias Str., 11257, Athens

  • dummy secretariat@diaviou.aueb.gr

  • dummy+30 210 8203 913

For the in Class programs:

  • dummydiazosis@diaviou.aueb.gr

  • dummy+30 210 8203 916, 912, 914

For the eLearning Programs:

  • dummyelearning@diaviou.aueb.gr

  • dummy+30 210 8203 753

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