Το πρόγραμμα εστιάζει στις παρακάτω θεματικές ενότητες:
Το πρόγραμμα παρέχει όλα τα απαραίτητα εργαλεία για την πλήρη κατανόηση των Στόχων της Βιώσιμης Ανάπτυξης και την ενσωμάτωση περιβαλλοντικών, κοινωνικών αλλά και πρακτικών διακυβέρνησης στην καθημερινότητα της επιχειρηματικής τους δραστηριότητας.
I could not describe my appreciation for taking part at the UNSDSN ESG course co-organized by UN SDSN, the laboratory ReSEES AUEB, and PwC.
Moreover, I would like to express my gratitude to Prof. Dr. Phoebe Koundouri for teaching us the most pivotal aspects of SDGs. A great thanks also to the exceptional teams of ReSEES-AUEB and PwC for their insightful and perceptive comments during the courses.
The course presented a holistic observation of the interrelations between ESG and SDGs, enabling me to grasp the main idea over the challenges in the adoption of ESG framework. Furthermore, the course not only offered theoretical knowledge, but also technical insight on the policymaking process in a firm or an organization. To put it briefly, the course presented elements in very interesting scientific areas, inter alia: climate change challenges, environmental finance, and circular economy initiatives. Above all, the ESG framework could not exist without taking into account the targets and sub-targets of SDGs; in short, it was made crystal clear that this interconnection ought to be strengthened practically at all levels of a firm.
Panagiotis – Stavros C. Aslanidis, PhD c. at University of Thessaly.
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